Cards, Board Games, Hero Clix and RPGs…oh my… Griffons Lair split off the 1651 location and that gave us more opportunity to dedicate space directly to our non-miniatures community. We expanded into more CCGS, like Digimon and One Piece, as well as starting to sell singles. We have a lot more board games and a regular board game night. RPGs get plenty of focus and we have added several new lines to our shelves. Don’t forget the RPG club where we have dedicated GMs to run your favorite games on a regular basis. And of course we have regular Magic events and pre-releases.
Griffons Lair Game Shop, LLC

1651 West 26th Street

Erie, PA 16508

814.449.3284 © Gryphon Enterprises, LLC - 2017-2022
Expanded Hours Coming Soon!
Store Hours MON: Closed TUE-FRI: 5-9pm SAT: 12-8pm SUN: 1-5pm
Our 1651 location has been accepted into Wizards of the Coast WPN program. We now run pre-releases and have been running more events, including drafts and casual commander events. Check with Crystal and John and our Facebook page and Discord channel has all the up-to-the-minute details on this and all events at 1651!
1651 also runs a number of events and tournaments for Games Workshop’s great game: Underworlds. Check out the store or send a message to find out all the details. If you haven’t played before, come on in for a demo!
The store runs more than just Magic too. We have regular Digimon and One Piece events and we also have Pokemon product in stock for sale.
HeroClix events have now moved over to the 1645 store side and all product is there as well. With the move of our shipping department to a new location, there is a dedicated room for the HeroClix regular Saturday games. This means more room at 1651 on Saturdays as well! An improvement for everyone!